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The following lays out the types of sessions and topics NCMA is seeking for this year’s World Congress.

This is not an exhaustive list. It is provided as guidance on the types of proposals that have been successful and are sought after by our attendees who come to the event for practical takeaways and meaningful practice and connection. We also rely on you as experts and thought leaders to define topics that are pressing for our community.  

In line with the World Congress theme, Better Contracting, Better Outcomes, we seek sessions that provide practical strategies, tips, lessons learned, and hands-on practice to drive us to work faster and better!  

  • Deep dives that build a contract management skill. NCMA’s Contract Management Standard™ is a great starting point. These should be specific, down to the level of covering or connecting to one or several of the buyer and/or seller job tasks in the CMS™. These sessions should include some hands-on practice related to the task/skill(s) being taught that can be used by participants back at work!

  • Workshops that facilitate practice around a process, or challenge, or simulate something required on the job. These include activities like role play, small group decision-making and an output like a strategy document or other concrete takeaway.

  • Breaking regulatory updates and updates on what’s new and what’s coming down the pike.  

  • Compliance requirements that are new and or challenging and include practical strategies for compliance.  

  • Sessions designed to drive or showcase innovation in the contract management practice.  

  • Demonstrations of new innovations in the profession to be showcased as part of our Innovation Alley. For example: New use of technology or AI to streamline a process, or an innovative new process or approach.  

  • Stories and lessons learned from those working in the trenches that can be leveraged across other organizations and agencies.  

  • Power skills that provide meaningful and current insight on navigating professional relationships, careers, workforce challenges, leadership, etc.  

Topics not likely to be selected:  

  • Topics that are too broad to provide usable practice, strategies, or tools. For example, “agile acquisition” or “an overview of how to become a leader.” 

  • Topics that are too narrow, for example, “disposition of property under construction contracts."

  • Sessions that are centered around the presenter vs. tools and takeaways for attendees, for example, keynotes, lectures, fireside chats, panels that do not include concrete takeaways, etc.  

  • Sessions that have already been presented at an NCMA conference or other venue.  

Even with an on-target proposal, NCMA cannot guarantee your session selection. Decisions are made to meet our attendees' needs with a balanced agenda that covers important topics within a limited number of session spaces. NCMA often connects with non-selected sessions to become webinars, magazine articles, future conference sessions and more.

We thank you again for your willingness to share your expertise!  

Ready to submit?

